Toko pancing – jogja rumah online

  1. Toko Pancing Sinar Mulia, Jl. Gejayan CT X/39 Yogya, 0274 – 564452.
  2. Toko Pancing Pringgolayan, Jl. Selokan Mataram 08157901899.
  3. Toko Kings Sport, Jl. Colombo 6C Samirono (depan UNY), 0274 – 2168906.
  4. Toko Pancing Samudra, Jl. Jend. Sudirman (timur Tugu), 0274 – 512662.
  5. Toko Pancing Mino, Jl. Ketandan Wetan No. 23, 0274 – 515580.
  6. Toko Pancing Go Fishing, Jl. Brigjend. Katamso No. 20 A, 0274 – 373893.
  7. Toko Pancing Satria, Jl. Tilarso No. 2, 0274 – 513190.
  8. Toko Pancing Wasiyo, Jl. Kaliurang Km 8,2 Prujakan.
  9. Toko Pancing Dzaki, Jl. Magelang Wadas, Tridadi, Sleman, 0274 – 865306.
  10. Toko Aneka Sport, Jl. Godean Km 6 (perempatan Ringroad), 0274 – 3008484.
  11. Toko Pancing Muara, Jl. Wates Km 4 Pelem Gurih, 0274 – 581728.
  12. Toko Pancing Setia, Jl. Bantul 132 (utara PASTY), 0274 – 386326.
  13. Toko Pancing Si Noor, Jl. Gedongkuning Selatan No. 172, 0274- 6535454.
  14. Toko Aneka Sport, utara Pasar Bantul, 0274 – 367402.
  15. Toko Zaki, Jl. Wonosari Km 9,6 Pasar Paing, 085725961984.

Pathuk hill, Seeing the beauty of Jogja Altitude – jogja rumah online

Jogja sights in the night from a height of 150 meters is incredibly fascinating. From Bukit Pathuk twinkling city lights in the distance makes such a lively and moving. City lights with different colors and sizes adds to the beauty of Yogyakarta at night.

The view is that never make people bored to see it though have repeatedly come to this place. Bukit Pathuk mermang ideal position to see the height of Yogyakarta. People can enjoy these sights right from the edge of the highway that connects the Wonosari Jogja. Usually the riders stopped for a moment to see the sights while unwind.

If you want a more relaxing, you can stop at the Hotel Bukit Indah, the hotel has direct views of the city of Yogyakarta. Hotels are located at an altitude of these hills have rooms with beautiful pemamdangan. When you just want to relax for a moment, you can stay in this hotel restaurant. Of course with pamandangan Jogja from a height. You can choose the restaurant or in the open garden located in the open air.

Enjoy this beautiful pamandangan began in the late afternoon while waiting for the sunset in the distance. Of course this view is also no less beautiful. This location is often used by photographers to capture this exciting moment. Yogyakarta city tourism Bukit Pathuk lucky enough to have this. This place became an alternative destination for tourists to enjoy Yogyakarta in a different way.

Kopi indonesia – jogja rumah online

Kopi dari spesies Coffea arabica memiliki rasa yang kaya daripada Coffea robusta. C. arabica memiliki banyak varietas. Tiap varietas memiliki ciri yang unik. Beberapa varietas yang terkenal meliputi:
Kopi Kolombia (Colombian coffee) – pertama kali diperkenalkan di Kolombia pada awal tahun 1800. Saat ini kultivar Maragogype, Caturra, Typica dan Bourbon ditanam di negeri ini. Jika langsung digoreng, kopi Kolombia memiliki rasa dan aroma yang kuat. Kolombia adalah penghasil kopi kedua terbesar di dunia setelah Brasilia. Sekitar 12% kopi di dunia dihasilkan di negara ini
Colombian Milds — Varietas ini termasuk kopi dari Kolombia, Kenya dan Tanzania. Semuanya adalah jenis kopi arabica yang telah dicuci.

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Tempat nongkrong asyik KM nol – jogja rumah online

Indahnya saat malam tiba di KM nol mari mampir ke KM nol asyik deh untuk nongkrong cuman keluarin uang parkir bisa bertemu banyak komunitas dan tambah teman banyak, memang KM nol bikin satu garis pertemanan. memang nol tetapi isinya tidak nol malah ratusan ada disana untuk merasakan hawa malam di jogja mari penampakan ada disini.

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